What to do when a bee stings you?
Bees may be tiny in size, but the pain caused by their stings is immense. They can scare many with their buzz. However, bees attack only if they feel threatened.
When these tiny insects sting, their stinger stays behind in the skin of the victim releasing venom into the body.
The venom released by the stinger is cytotoxic, which means that it can destroy cells. This is the reason why the area around the bee sting becomes red and swells up.
So, what should you do when you get stung?
For most people, the effects of bee stings go away after a few days. These people can be treated easily at home. People who are allergic to bee stings should be rushed to the emergency room immediately as they can go into an anaphylactic shock. In fact, nearly two million Americans are known to be allergic to bee stings
Treating non-allergic cases at home
If the symptoms include redness and slight swelling at the location of the sting, such cases can easily be treated at home.
- Take out the stinger as soon as you can with the help of tweezers, your nails or scrape it with a credit card. Do not try to pinch it or squeeze it out with your hands.
- Wash the area with cold water and soap. Reduce the pain and swelling by applying an ice pack.
- Use a calamine cream or antihistamine to reduce itching. Benadryl also helps in reducing the symptoms.
Home remedies for bee sting
Certain home remedies also work well in reducing redness, swelling, and itching.
Honey: Applying honey works well to heal the wound and reduce itching and swelling.
Baking Soda: Apply a paste of baking soda and water on the sting and cover it with a bandage. This is extremely effective in reducing pain and itching.
Aloe Vera: Break off the leaf of an Aloe Vera plant and apply it on the affected area. This gel is very soothing and will help ease the pain.
Witch Hazel: This age-old recipe can help reduce inflammation, itchiness, and pain. Apply it directly on the sting.
Lavender Oil: Lavender essential oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Dab a few drops of this oil on the sting to reduce swelling.
Apple cider vinegar: Soak the affected area in a basin of apple cider vinegar for at least 15 minutes. The vinegar will help reduce the effects of the venom.
Allergic reaction
Bee stings can be very dangerous if you are allergic to its venom. If a person allergic to bee venom gets stung, remove the stinger immediately and call emergency services. Do not rely on home treatment and use an EpiPen if you have one.
You must monitor the victim for signs of anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening. The signs of anaphylaxis include itching, redness, shortness of breath, swelling of throat and tongue and dizziness.
You must also seek a doctor’s advice if you have been stung multiple times. In such cases, the accumulation of venom can cause severe symptoms. Multiple stings in children and senior citizens should be treated as an emergency. You should also seek medical help if a bee stings you on your tongue or mouth.
It is always wiser to be proactive and prevent bee stings. If you have hives or nests around your house, get them removed by a professional. The bee removal experts at Miami-Dade County Pest Control have the latest tools and equipment to deal with all kinds of bees. Call them for fast and effective bee removal services.